Grilled Zucchini With Big Beans, Kale & Mustard Vinaigrette



  1. Boil the beans with the onion and thyme until cooked through, about 35 minutes (though it might take longer, depending on their age).

  2. Meanwhile, mix together the shallot, olive oil, mustard, lemon zest and juice, vinegar, honey, and a big pinch of salt.

  3. Drain the beans and discard the onion and thyme. Immediately dress the still-warm beans with the mustard vinaigrette and chopped herbs, and let cool to room temperature.

  4. Dress the squash wedges with a hefty drizzle of olive oil, a pinch of salt, and grind of black pepper. Grill over medium-high heat until golden brown all over and just starting to soften.

  5. In a large bowl, massage the kale with a pinch of salt and glug of olive oil until tender.

  6. When the beans have cooled, taste and add more salt as desired.

  7. To serve, spoon the beans into a bowl, top with a pile of massaged kale, and then the grilled squash.

Recipe - Food52

· veggie, salad, sides